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4th Edition (2021)

The Complete Multi Engine Pilot

  • Included is information on both obtaining the multi-engine rating and checking out in a new twin. An integrated flight and ground syllabus details the program for the rating, and provides a sample written test, typical of the one used for new-aircraft checkouts. Also contains a complete library of FAA source material on multi-engine flight subjects. The Complete Pilot Series is designed for use in flight schools, for home study, and as a base for student kits.

    Bob Gardner's textbooks have been in publication since 1985 and are continually updated and expanded to keep up with FAA regulations and procedures. Mr. Gardner writes in a conversational style that is readable and comprehensive, bringing the reader to a greater understanding of the material. All his books are reinforced by the caliber of personal experience that integrates technique and procedures with mastery.

  • 9781619547360

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